Agriculture accounts for about 3.5% of Chile's GDP, and the sector accounts for 6.3% of the employment structure of the population. The main production is concentrated in the central region of the country, whose volcanic soils are rich in minerals and organic substances that significantly increase the level of fertility. Favorable natural and climatic conditions in general allow the country to maintain the status of an important regional exporter of agricultural products for a long time (the sector is the second largest in terms of supplies after the mining industry).
The country is a major producer of fruits, especially grapes, whose gross harvest in 2022 was estimated at 2.4 million tons. Due to the large volumes of grape cultivation in Chile, its own production of alcoholic beverages is actively developing, and the country is one of the world's leading wine exporters. It is viticulture and winemaking that are a key component of the country's agriculture. Other significant crops in the category of fruits and berries of Chile are apples, the gross harvest of which in 2022 it amounted to about 1.5 million tons, and cherries, the production of which reached 443.7 thousand tons in the same year.
The most common crop in the category of vegetables, root crops and tubers in Chile is potatoes. In 2022, its gross harvest amounted to just over 1 million tons, however, according to official statistics, in 2023 the figure decreased by 17.7% to 843.1 thousand tons. Also in 2022, about 686.6 thousand tons of tomatoes and 414.1 thousand tons of onions were produced in the republic.
In Chile, cereals are grown in significant volumes, primarily wheat, corn and oats — in 2022, the gross yields of these crops amounted to 1.1 million tons, 608.0 thousand tons and 578.4 thousand tons, respectively. According to official statistics, in 2023, wheat production in the country increased by 16.5% to 1.3 million tons, while gross yields of corn and oats decreased by 10.7% and 42.4% (to 543.1 thousand tons and 333.1 thousand tons), respectively. Despite significant production volumes, domestic grain growing capacities in Chile are currently insufficient to meet the needs of the population, and these crops are among the main imported crops.
Sugar beet is also grown in the country, but its gross yields are decreasing annually. In 2022, production amounted to 675.1 thousand tons, in 2023 — 603.5 thousand tons. In this regard, Chile is also actively buying sugar abroad.
Dairy cattle breeding in Chile is developed in the southern regions of the country, where there are the most favorable conditions for pastures. The regions of Los Lagos, Los Rios and Araucania are the leaders in terms of livestock and production volumes. In 2023, the republic received about 2.2 million tons of raw milk. In 2018-2023, the production volumes of these products ranged from 2.1–2.3 million tons. Chile also has a developed milk processing sector, with most of the industry's companies located in the Los Lagos and Los Rios regions. Nevertheless, the country still buys There are significant volumes of dairy products on foreign markets, primarily cheeses, which are among the most important imported products.
The largest volumes of meat production in Chile are in the poultry sector. In 2023, local companies produced 759.9 thousand tons of poultry meat, of which 691.4 thousand tons were chicken meat and 68.5 thousand tons were turkey. Also in 2023, Chile received about 3.94 billion pieces of chicken eggs. The volume of local pork production in 2023 amounted to 582.7 thousand tons, beef — 187.6 thousand tons, while a significant part of the domestic consumption of red meat in Chile is provided by imports. The production of pork and beef in the country has seriously decreased in 2022 due to a decrease in demand for these products in conditions of high inflation.
The fisheries complex is one of the structural elements of Chilean agriculture. Due to its access to the Pacific Ocean and a coastline of more than 6 thousand km, the country is rich in marine biological resources and is one of the world's largest exporters of fish and seafood. The volume of production of these products in Chile in 2023 amounted to 4.1 million tons, of which 1.5 million tons were in the aquaculture.
In 2023, imports of agricultural products to Chile amounted to 10.2 billion US dollars, which is 17.7% lower than in 2022. At the same time, in general, in 2019-2023, the volume of imports of agricultural products to the country in value terms increased annually by an average of 6.6%.
In the structure of imports of agricultural products to Chile in value terms in 2023, the main products were beef and edible by-products of cattle (14.2%), corn (6.7%), soybean meal (5.2%), beet and cane sugar (3.8%), as well as fats and oils from fish and marine mammals (3.7%). In total, the 10 most demanded agricultural goods on the local market accounted for 48.0% of the total volume of agricultural supplies to the country in value terms.
In 2023, the volume of purchases of fats and oils from fish and marine mammals increased most noticeably (+88.9% or +178.0 million US dollars), cheeses (+14.9% or +40.4 million US dollars), as well as pork and pig by-products (+13.9% or +36.6 million US dollars). At the same time, there was a significant reduction in purchases of wheat (-55.1% or -448.0 million US dollars), corn (-27.7% or -260.2 million US dollars), beet and cane sugar (-37.8% or -236.1 million US dollars), as well as cake and soybean meal (-25.9% or -183.1 million US dollars).
Argentina is the largest exporter of agricultural products to Chile — in 2023 it accounted for 19.9% of all agricultural supplies to the republic. Brazil (16.5%) and Paraguay (11.7%) also entered the top 3 food exporting countries in Chile at the end of the year. In total, the 10 largest supplier countries accounted for 76.3% of the value of imports of agricultural products in Chile at the end of the year.
Exports of agricultural products to Chile from China (+13.5% or +54.9 million US dollars) and Paraguay (+4.1% or +46.7 million US dollars) increased most noticeably in 2023. China increased the supply of fats and oils from fish and marine mammals by 5.5 times (from US$ 27.7 million to US$ 152.0 million). Paraguay exported 98.9% more soybean meal and cake (from 76.7 million US dollars to 152.5 million US dollars) and 63.7% more rice (from 40.5 million US dollars to 66.3 million US dollars).
At the same time, in 2023, Chile's imports from Argentina (-34.3% or -1.1 billion US dollars), the United States (-24.1% or -336.8 million US dollars) and Canada (-32.2% or -126.7 million US dollars) significantly decreased. Argentina reduced exports of corn by 41.7% (from 661.4 million US dollars to 385.7 million US dollars) and wheat by 79.4% (from 334.4 million US dollars to 68.8 million US dollars). The United States reduced the supply of starch production waste and similar residues by 37.6% (from 233.2 million US dollars to 145.5 million US dollars), as well as wheat by 42.5% (from 186.9 million US dollars to 107.4 million US dollars). Canada practically stopped supplying rapeseed oil to Chile (from 93.9 million US dollars to 0.4 million US dollars) and exported 36.5% less wheat (from 246.2 million US dollars to 156.4 million US dollars).
In 2023, the volume of exports of agricultural products of Chile amounted to 21.4 billion US dollars, a decrease of 7.7% compared to the level of 2022. At the same time, in 2019-2023, the export of agricultural products of the country in value terms increased by an average of 4.4% per year.
The basis of exports of agricultural products of Chile in 2023 was fish fillets and other fish meat (18.0%), cherries (9.6%), frozen fish (9.1%), as well as grape wines (7.1%). In total, the top 10 exported agricultural products accounted for 63.4% of the country's agricultural exports in value terms.
Exports of fresh and chilled fish from Chile increased most noticeably in 2023 (+8.4% or +88.7 million US dollars), as well as fish meal unsuitable for food (+18.8% or +75.1 million US dollars). At the same time, exports from Chile of fresh grapes (-53.2% or -921.4 million US dollars), grape wines (-20.1% or -384.1 million US dollars) and frozen fish (-6.0% or -123.2 million US dollars) significantly decreased in 2023.
The main importer of agricultural products of Chile in 2023 was the United States (26.0% of the value of exports). The top three importing countries also included China (17.2%) and Japan (8.2%). In total, by the end of 2023, the share of the 10 largest sales markets accounted for 72.9% of Chile's agricultural exports.
In comparison with 2022, Spain (+17.4% or +75.0 million US dollars) and Russia (+17.1% or +67.3 million US dollars) demonstrated the most significant increase in the volume of purchases of agricultural products in Chile in 2023. Spain increased purchases of products and canned shellfish by 43.7% (from 59.7 million US dollars to 85.7 million US dollars), and also increased imports of avocados by 2.4 times (from 13.5 million US dollars to 32.5 million US dollars). In 2023, Russia imported 25.0% more frozen fish (from 243.9 million US dollars to 305.0 million US dollars).
At the same time, in 2023, imports from Chile decreased in the Netherlands (-68.0% or -1101.9 million US dollars), Japan (-15.1% or -313.0 million US dollars) and the United States (-5.3% or -311.5 million US dollars). Compared to the previous year, the Netherlands reduced purchases of fresh grapes by 93.9% (from 743.8 million US dollars to 45.1 million US dollars) and imports of fresh kiwis by 94.7% (from 299.0 million US dollars to 15.7 million US dollars). Japan purchased 24.2% less frozen fish (from 704.7 million US dollars to 534.4 million US dollars) and 37.6% less pork and pig by—products (from 250.4 million US dollars to 156.1 million US dollars). The United States reduced purchases of poultry meat by 51.0% (from 414.1 million US dollars to 203.1 million US dollars), fruits (except some wild berries) and frozen nuts by 57.7% (from 223.5 million US dollars to 94.6 million US dollars).