Fishing industry
The production of crustaceans is of great economic importance in China — the republic is the world's largest consumer of various types of crabs, crayfish and shrimp, which are part of Chinese cuisine and are in great demand among the local population.
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By the end of 2023, the import of fish products to Russia may grow by more than 60% compared to last year, up to 550 thousand tons
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On the morning of August 24, Japan began draining the water used to cool the reactors during the 2011 accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean. Experts in Japan assured the world community that this water is "purified"
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The volume of world production in the ocean waters has reached a plateau, it has not increased practically in the last 10 years, and there are no growth trends.
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According to the industry monitoring system, by December 31, 2022, the total volume of extraction of aquatic biological resources amounted to more than 4.88 million tons. Updated data will be presented after collecting statistics on freshwater species after the first quarter of 2023.
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By April 4, pollock catch in the Far Eastern Basin amounted to 926 thousand tons, which is 107.6 thousand tons or 13% higher than the level of 2022. The main share of catch falls on the Sea of Okhotsk
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In 2020, there were about 4.1 million fishing vessels in the world. In the last two decades, the number of ships has been declining, mainly due to fleet reduction programs implemented in Europe and China, the results of which were taken into account during the latest revision of the FAO fleet data.
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Production and trade grew slightly, while fish consumption recovered to the level of 2018 due to strengthening demand.
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In 2020, the volume of global industrial fishing products (excluding algae) amounted to 90.3 million tons, which is 4% less than the average for the previous three years. The reduction in volume affected both marine industrial fisheries and industrial fishing in inland waters
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Over the past 70 years, the total volume of fishery and aquaculture products (excluding algae) has grown significantly: in 1950 it amounted to 19 million tons (in the equivalent of live weight), and in 2018 it reached a historical maximum – about 179 million tons
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